Тест онлайн по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему: Another, other, others, the others. Этот тест поможет углубить ваши знания и включает в себя 15 вопросов разной сложности.

Вам следует внимательно читать вопросы, выбирать наиболее подходящий вариант ответа и переходить к следующему. Тест может быть полезным инструментом для самооценки и повышения уровня знаний. Не стесняйтесь проверить себя и оценить свои навыки в данной теме.

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1 There is only one slipper under the bed. Where is_____________ ?

2 That`s a horse of ________ colour. (proverb)

3 Fanny lives on ____________ side of the street.

4 My house is on __________ side of the street.

5 Jim has a very contradictory nature. On the one hand he is ambitious on ___________hand he is shy.

6 Adam is not a bad fellow, but he never thinks of ____________.

7 Mandy is here. Where are __________?

8 In summer some people prefer to stay in town while ____________ go to the country.

9 Kelly lost her pen and her mother promised to buy her __________ one.

10 "Waiter, this chicken has one leg shorter than ____________." - "So what? You are not going to dance with it, are you?"

11 "You promised not to give away the secret I told you." - "I didn`t give it away. I just exchanged it for __________one."

12 "Why is your car painted blue on one side and red on ____________?" - "It`s a great scheme. You should hear the witnesses contradicting each other."

13 Do you know these boys? - Yes. One of them is my brother and __________ are his friends.

14 I found only one photo in the album. Where are _____ ?

15 "What is our head-cook doing?" - "He is thinking up __________ name for the cutlets left over from lunch."

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