Тест онлайн по английскому языку для 11 класса на тему: Марафон. Этот тест поможет углубить ваши знания и включает в себя 99 вопросов разной сложности.

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1 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

2 The modal verb is:

3 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

4 Participle I is:

5 The verb in the Active Voice is:

6 Infectious jaundice is characterized by ____.

7 The verb in the Past Continuous Tense is:

8 The synonym to the word "medicine" is:

9 The verb in the Future-in-the-Past Tense is:

10 The Infinitive is:

11 The Infinitive is:

12 The modal verb is:

13 The verb in the Active Voice is:

14 The equivalent of the modal verb is:

15 The form of cholesystitis is ____.

16 The sentence in the Present Indefinite Tense is:

17 The irregular verb is:

18 The verb in the Present Indefinite Tense is:

19 Participle I is:

20 The part of the lung is:

21 The Infinitive is:

22 The phase of the cardiac cycle is ____.

23 During the attack of acute cholesystitis ____.

24 The interrogative sentence in the Present Continuous Tense is:

25 The equivalent of the modal verb is:

26 The verb in the Passive Voice is ____.

27 The equivalent of the modal verb is:

28 The main symptom of gastric carcinoma is ____.

29 The modal verb is:

30 The verb in the Active Voice is:

31 ____ can be revealed during physical examination of lungs of ill person.

32 The irregular verb is:

33 Participle II is:

34 The symptom of chronic gastritis is ____.

35 The Infinitive is:

36 The modal verb is:

37 The symptom of Angina pectoris is ____.

38 The sentence in the Present Simple Tense is:

39 The characteristic clinical manifestation of acute cholesystitis is ____.

40 Participle I is:

41 The verb in the Present Simple Tense is:

42 The Infinitive is:

43 The part of the heart is ____.

44 Participle I is:

45 The modal verb is:

46 The type of microorganisms is ____.

47 The verb in the Future Indefinite Tense is:

48 The sentence in the Past Simple Tense is:

49 Acute cholesystitis pain may radiate to ____.

50 Participle II is:

51 The verb in the Present Perfect Tense is:

52 The verb in the Present Perfect Tense is:

53 The preventive measure for Atherosclerosis is ____.

54 The irregular verb is:

55 The modal verb is:

56 The equivalent of the modal verb is:

57 The verb used in Complex Subject is:

58 The cause of chronic gastritis is ____.

59 The symptom of bronchitis is ____.

60 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

61 The verb in the Future-in-the-Past Tense is:

62 The verb in the Past Perfect Tense is:

63 The verb in the Active Voice is:

64 One of the causes of cancer of the stomach are is ____.

65 The modal verb is:

66 The verb used in Complex Subject is:

67 The verb in the Active Voice is:

68 The symptom of lobular pneumonia is ____.

69 The symptom of jaundice is ____.

70 The part of the skeleton is ____.

71 The verb in the Past Simple Tense is:

72 The verb in the Present Perfect Tense is:

73 The verb used in Complex Subject is:

74 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

75 Participle I is:

76 The verb used in Complex Subject is:

77 The verb in the Future Indefinite Tense is:

78 The negative sentence in the Present Simple Tense is:

79 The verb in the Active Voice is:

80 The verb used in Complex Object is:

81 The verb in the Future Perfect Tense is:

82 The verb in the Future Indefinite Tense is:

83 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

84 The negative sentence in the Present Continuous Tense is:

85 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

86 One of the groups of muscles is ____.

87 The symptom of diphtheria is ____.

88 The verb used in Complex Object is:

89 The interrogative sentence in the Past Indefinite Tense is:

90 The part of the alimentary tract is ____.

91 The modal verb is:

92 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

93 The verb in the Passive Voice is:

94 The verb in the Active Voice is:

95 The symptom of diphtheria is ____.

96 The Infinitive is:

97 The modal verb is:

98 The symptom of Angina pectoris is ____.

99 The Infinitive is:

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