Рассказ на английском "Jim works in a travel agency"
Story in English "Jim works in a travel agency"
Текст на английском "Джим работает в турагентстве"
Jim works in a travel agency
Jim lives in Liverpool and works in a travel agency. Every day he sells tours to many people who want to go on holiday. Now is December and there are a lot of clients who book tours as a Christmas present to their relatives and friends.
Jim doesn't earn very much, but he has a little dream - he wants to buy a snowboard that costs 300£. Unfortunately, he doesn't have 300£ and his boss doesn't give him extra wages. The poor boy doesn't know where to find the money.
One day a man whose name is Mr. Thompson comes to the travel agency to book a journey to France. He wants to make a surprise to his wife and doesn't tell her about it. France is their dream and Mr. Thompson thinks that it is the best present for Christmas. Mr. Thompson asks Jim about hotels and prices and then chooses the best offer. The five-days tour costs 1200£. Although it is very expensive and his family is not very rich, he buys it. Then Mr. Thompson says good-bye to Jim and goes away very happy.
Two hours later a woman comes to the agency. She also wants to go to France during the winter holidays. When she gives Jim her ID, Jim sees that she is Mr. Thompson's wife. She also wants to make a surprise to her husband. So, Jim realizes that it is his chance. He doesn't think for too long and says to Mrs. Thompson:
- Only today we have a very special offer. A tour to France for only 300£!
The woman gets very happy when she hears the price. She pays immediately. Jim sells the same tour to Mrs. Thompson and takes 300£.
However, Mrs. Thompson doesn't believe that a tour to France can be so cheap. She understands that there is something wrong about it and when she comes home she tells everything to her husband.
The next day Mr. Thompson comes back to the travel agency. He asks Jim to cancel the booking and return him the money. As you can expect, this is Jim's last day at the travel agency. However, he isn't worried about his job nor the snowboard, but the idea that Mr. and Mrs. Thompson still have their 300£-tour to France makes him really sick.
New words
a travel agency - туристическое агентство
to sell - продавать
to go on holiday - ехать в отпуск
to book - бронировать, заказывать
as - как, в качестве
Christmas - Рождество
a present - подарок
relatives - родственники
to earn - зарабатывать
a dream - мечта
that - который
to cost - стоить
£ (pounds) - фунты
unfortunately - к сожалению
extra - дополнительный
wages - зарплата (обычно во мн.ч.)
poor - бедный
to find - найти
whose - чей, чьё
a journey - путешествие
to make a surprise - сделать сюрприз
the best - лучший
a price - цена
to choose - выбирать
an offer - предложение
a five-days tour - пятидневный тур
although - хотя
to go away - уходить
two hours later - два часа спустя
during - во время, в течение
ID (Identification document) - документ, удостоверяющий личность
wife - жена
husband - муж
to realize - понимать, осознавать
for too long - слишком долго
to get happy - обрадоваться
to pay - платить
immediately - сразу же, незамедлительно
the same - тот же самый
to take - брать
however - однако
to believe - верить
there is something wrong about it - тут что-то не так
the next day - на следующий день
to come back - приходить обратно, возвращаться
to ask - 1) спрашивать; 2) просить
to cancel - отменить
to return - возвращать
to expect - ожидать
last - последний
to be worried about smth - волноваться за что-либо
nor - ни
still - всё ещё
it makes him sick - это не даёт ему покоя
Task 1
Answer the questions
1. Where does Jim work and live? - ... ;
2. How many tours does he sell every day? - ... ;
3. Why are there many clients now? - ... ;
4. What dream does Jim have? - ... ;
5. How much money does Jim need to buy the snowboard? - ... ;
6. Who comes one day to the travel agency? - ... ;
7. Where does Mr. Thompson want to go? - ... ;
8. What does Jim say to Mrs. Thompson? - ... ;
9. What does Mr. Thompson ask Jim the next day? - ... ;
10. Are Mr. and Mrs. Thompson happy to have their 300£-tour? - ... .
Task 2
Придумай другие 10 вопросов к этому тексту
Task 3
Найди в тексте похожие по значению слова и выражения: but, come back, realize, holiday.
Найди в тексте слова и выражения с противоположными значениями: buy, come, cheap, wife, take, rich.
Task 4
Переведи на английский следующие слова и сочетания:
однако, на следующий день, хотя, однажды, верить, ехать в отпуск, дополнительная зарплата, бедный, турагентство, бронировать, выбирать, спустя два часа, только, предложение, подарок, тут что-то не так, отменять бронь, цена.
Task 5
Переведи предложения на английский язык
1. Когда она слышит цену, она сразу же платит;
2. К сожалению, это очень дорого для него;
3. Он знает, где забронировать дешёвый тур;
4. Мы хотим поехать в Испанию на летних каникулах;
5. Майк берёт свой ID и даёт его начальнику;
6. Мистер Уилсон покупает машину в качестве рождественского подарка своей жене;
7. Начальник платит Джиму зарплату каждый месяц;
8. Я не беспокоюсь ни за Джима, ни за мистера Томпсона;
9. Мэри возвращается домой и сразу же осознаёт, что тут что-то неладное;
10. Я хочу забронировать гостиницу на семь ночей.
Task 6
Выучи и перескажи этот текст